Best Products for Organizing your Closet

Today I want to talk about some of my favorite items I use to organize bedroom closets. One of the first things that is very important to figure out in your closet is what categories you want to put your items (clothing and accessories) into, as well as where you want to place those items in your closet. Some things to consider when determining placement are the frequency in which you access those items, whether or not you want to hang the items or fold them, whether you want to have the items on display or not. Deciding your categories and the placement of those categories is a major component of determining which organizing products you want for the space. In this blog I am going to focus on products to organize hanging and folded clothing. I will not dive into products for organizing accessories or jewelry. I will save that for another post as that is an entire topic unto itself!

1. Hanging Items

Most every bedroom closet has racks for hanging clothes. Therefore there is almost always a need for hangers. As has been stated in other blog posts, the value of having a set of matching hangers is invaluable in creating a space that is visually pleasing and lacking clutter. There are many things to consider when determining hangers, but a major one is how they will function for your clothes and as well as budget. Sleek velvet hangers are a popular option for many clients because they take up little space and they come with a relatively inexpensive price tag. Often you can get a set for around 50 cents per hanger. If you have a closet
that has a lot of clothes, this can make a big difference in the overall budget. Keep in mind that although you can fit a lot of clothes on the rack due to the sleek design, you can only squeeze so many hangers together before the closet looks cluttered. Additionally, many people find velvet hangers annoying to work with.

Especially if you prefer to hang your cotton t-shirts; as they can be “sticky”, making it hard to get clothing on and off. Another popular option, shown above, is wood hangers. These can vary greatly in design and price. They can look sleek and streamlined but they don’t have the sticky factor that velvet hangers have. If you want to go really high end, the Container Store has Acrylic Hangers that are stunning. You will pay for the beauty, but they are sturdy and easy to work with; making this one-time investment a possible option in your closet.

2. Folded Items

Most every bedroom closet has items that lend themselves well to folding and placing on shelves or into drawers or bins. Workout wear, socks and underwear are common items that are popular for drawers rather than hanging. Additionally, depending on the space, there may be drawer space for pajamas or t-shirts or shelf space for folded jeans and sweaters. For items that will go into drawers or onto shelves I like to use drawer and shelf dividers.
    a. Drawer Dividers

When working in drawers, I have found that the expandable drawer dividers are very handy in terms of separating items in drawers that can quickly become messy. The list is endless of how one could separate items, but one example is shown here, where the client had long underwear, white socks and black/colorful socks. These dividers were purchased on Amazon. They are sturdy and plastic. However, I have seen them made out of wood for a classier look.

    b. Shelf Dividers

On shelves, I like to use clear shelf dividers. They are useful for preventing stacks from toppling over. Sweaters are particularly prone to this. These were purchased on Amazon. They are also stable and feel high-quality. Other items that are often able to be folded and placed neatly on shelves are jeans, casual slacks, dress shorts, t-shirts. Sometimes shelf dividers are helpful in these situations not only for keeping piles from toppling, but also for a visual reminder that every item has a “home”.

    c. Bins
If a client wants more items in drawers than we have space for, I like to put items that are hard to corral together in a tidy fashion on a shelf in a bin. I listed some of those items above that may fit nicely on a shelf. However, many items don’t lend themselves to folding on shelves without quickly looking cluttered. Swimsuits are a great example. Swimsuits are easy to put in a bin where they can be contained. They are also an easy category to label. This is an easy way to keep shelves clutter-free while also knowing exactly what you have.

The type of bins used in a closet varies widely according to the aesthetic of the space and the budget. Usually I use opaque bins because the alternatives are large plastic bins that look like they are more appropriate for garage storage. Some of my favorites are the Kiva bins from the Container Store. They come in a variety of colors and patterns and they are also very sturdy.

If they are being handled daily, they are not at risk for breaking or shedding as some of the more natural material bins can do. Plastic bins can also be an option if someone is on a tighter budget. The Container Store carries the Curver Basket Weave Storage Bin that looks high-end and is woven. It is matte and doesn’t appear plastic. The price and be more affordable than some of the natural material bins.

Overall, there are a plethora of options when it comes to products you can use to organize your closet. If you start with proper space planning and thorough thought to your budget and design aesthetic, you can make decisions about which products to buy that will bring you joy and serenity every time you view and use them.