My Favorite Pantry Organizer

I ended up finding exactly what I was looking for at the Container Store. And it was extremely affordable at only $17.99 each! It was called the Large Expand-A-Shelf and I cannot say enough positive things about it. First of all, it is nearly impossible to find a riser that maximizes the depth on a standard 12” shelf. This one has a depth of 11-⅝ inches and fits perfectly on a 12” deep shelf (which is usually closer to 11 -½” deep). Also, this pantry not only had 12” deep shelves, but it also had 16” deep shelves. This product was perfect for both depths because on the 16” deep shelves there was a remaining 4” of shelf space in front of the riser which provided for another entire row of cans that can sit directly on the shelf! My original design plans had me covering an entire shelf length (55 inches) with these risers (they expand to 25” each) so I could